{New Artisoft AE-3 Ethernet Adapter accepts 3 network cable types} Artisoft's new AE-3 Ethernet Adapter can connect with all three major network cable types, "offering maximum flexibility to growing businesses whose networking needs may change in the future," said Artisoft President and CEO Jack Schoof. The new network adapter supports RJ45 Ethernet connectors, along with all the other features of its predecessor, Artisoft's AE-2 adapter. Where the AE-3 differs is in its third connector which allows use of lighter, twisted-pair cable commonly found prewired in newer office buildings. The twisted-pair connector also features automatic sensing of the cable type in use. In the twisted pair connector, a link-integrity LED verifies the network connection. Using the Artisoft AE-3 Adapters, network users can start with less expensive and easier to handle twisted pair cables. As the network expands beyond the 300-foot limitations of the thin cable, the user can upgrade the network to either thin or thick Ethernet cable with 1500-foot capability. Changes can be made without the major expense of replacing the adapter cards to which the cables connect. The AE-3 card is a 16-bit adapter that automatically switches to 8-bit mode in an 8-bit expansion slot. The AE-3 comes with its own complement of memory--16K of RAM, user-expandable to 64K--to avoid using up the memory in the user's system. It complies with the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard and offers an optional remote boot PEROM, and support for eight IRQs. In addition to working with the LANtastic Network Operating System, Artisoft's AE-2 and AE-3 Ethernet Adapters work directly from the box with most popular network software, including Novell NetWarer, FTP's TCP/IP, LAN Manager and others that support a Novell NE2000 driver. The Artisoft AE-3 Adapter is available from Artisoft dealers for $349.